Use of definite article shows ‘radical decline’ in last century, research shows (The Guardian, Alison Flood)

Academic’s analysis of American English usage shows striking fall, suggesting ‘trend towards greater informality in writing’.

State of the Union Addres‘The’ is the question … Barack Obama’s 2014 State of the Union address. Photograph: REX.

It might appear to be one of the more useful words in the English language, but according to research by a linguistics professor, use of the definite article “the” has declined “radically” over the last century.

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Can virtual classrooms beat face-to-face interaction? (Libby Page, The Guardian)

Studying online doesn’t have to mean being isolated behind a computer screen – there are plenty of ways to connect with your coursemates and tutors.

Paper people holding hands

Make the most of the support available, and you’ll avoid feeling isolated on your online course. Photograph: Alamy.

For most students, university is a time for making friends, discovering a new city and making the most of the facilities on campus. But when you are studying online, your living room is your lecture hall and an online chat room is the equivalent of the student bar.

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Most language students unable to do more than understand basic phrases (Lucy Ward, The Guardian)

Survey of attitudes to language learning in the UK shows young people lacking in skills and confidence. Child in classroomSurvey finds young people under-confident in their ability to put language learning into practice. Photograph: Miguel Sotomayor/Getty Images/Flickr RF.

Foreign language learning in Britain is frequently leaving young people barely with the skills to communicate, with almost eight out of 10 who have studied the most popular languages at school – including French and German – saying they can do no more than understand basic phrases.

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